AIPNO 2017 President's Message

I am proud to serve AIPNO as its President for the year 2017. We have accomplished several goals since inception but have many more ahead of us. Greater Cleveland Health Care Landscape has changed significantly in the last decade. We are in the midst of several more changes to come. I am confident AIPNO will continue to grow and thrive as the core principles of Education, Philanthropy and improving Health Care access, for which we stand has withstood the test of time.

We are planning a extensive membership drive for 2017. There have been several new Physicians who have come to the Greater Cleveland region as we see a revival of the whole region in the last couple of years offering us an unique opportunity to expand our base. As technological changes are creating a generational change, AIPNO is embarking on a modernization to keep up with changes. We will be improving and increasing our web and social media presence.

I request every member to approach friends and colleagues and spread the word about who we are and what we do.
Let us together make AIPNO a leading organization for Medical Education and Philanthropy in North East Ohio.

Harigopal Balaji, MD
President, AIPNO 2017